
Events, activism and awareness raising

On 28 September 2022 there were exhibitions on the indications for Therapeutic Pregnancy Interruption.

16 days of activism against gender-based violence:

Public demonstrations on 13 May 2022, following the failure to respect the democratic procedure of the ITG bill.

The demonstration took place at national level

Antalaha: SLAMS AND TOMBOLA ON WOMEN’S RIGHTS AND RTI, Raising awareness of the population of Antalaha on the importance of the law on RTI through Art (slam, rap,…)

Toamasina, Flash mob pour sensibiliser sur la nécessité d’adopter la loi sur l’interruption thérapeutique de la grossesse

Toamasina: Flash mob to raise awareness on the need to adopt the law on therapeutic termination of pregnancy, through dance, songs…

Mahajanga: Raising awareness of the local population on the theme of RTI through theatre, slam, testimonies on RTI.

Sensibilisation de la population locale sur la thématique de l’ITG à travers le Théâtre
Fianarantsoa : Concours de vêtements traditionnels Betsileo

Fianarantsoa: Betsileo traditional clothing competition, awareness raising and sharing on cases of violence observed in the community through clothing culture, awareness raising on rape, incest through culture.

Toliara: theatre on rape, incest and RTI, to make the public understand the medical reasons, the psychological and social handicap indicating an urgent need to terminate a pregnancy, to explain the need for the adoption of the law on therapeutic termination of pregnancy whose main objective is to protect health personnel as well as women who are forced to resort to a termination of pregnancy for medical and therapeutic reasons or in the case of rape or incest

Toliara - théâtre sur le viol, l’inceste et l’ITG, Faire comprendre aux publiques les raisons médicales
Antananarivo - Sensibilisation sur les violences sexistes et sexuelle

Antananarivo: Awareness-raising on gender-based and sexual violence within the Prey Group “RTA, Express Madagascar, Radio France Madagascar, Ecoprim, Radio Antsiva”.

Diego: popular café on rape, incest and itg, The general objective is to relate the existence of cases of rape, incest and complicated pregnancies, and then to make the population aware of the inadequacy between the existing law and the realities. To explain and raise awareness of the need to adopt the law on therapeutic termination of pregnancy.

On 20 December 2021 a Citizen’s Café was held, an open debate on the theme of RTI with panels such as: Jurist, paramedics, psychologist Antaninarenina.

On 25 November 2021, the collective for the follow-up of the RTI bill was officially set up.

In December 2021, a petition for the reappearance of the RTI law proposal was made: about 1000 signatures were collected, after complaints about its disappearance, on December 6, 2021, the law proposal finally reappeared and was sent to the Malagasy government for “advice and observations”.

Mis en place officiellement le collectif de suivi de la proposition de loi ITG
Dépôt de la loi ITG

Tabling of the ITG law :

On 19 October 2021, Marie Jeanne d’Arc MASY GOULAMALY, Member of Parliament of Madagascar elected in the District of Tsihombe, President of the Gender and Development Commission tabled a proposal to amend this article 317 in the National Assembly. Without cancelling it, the bill suggests a relaxation for cases specified in articles 317 Bis and 317 Ter*.

The bill, registered under the number PPL 004-2021/PL, was not included in the agenda of the parliamentary session due to an anti-democratic procedural defect.

08 March 2021: White March

Atelier de restitution régionale, Nifin'Akanga

Atelier de restitution régionale : Etat des lieux sur les pratiques de l’avortement à Madagascar

21 et 22 décembre 2020, Antalaha

General Assembly, Nifin’Akanga

12 December 2020, SEQUOIA Ivandry

Assemblée Générale, Nifin’Akanga


Mobilisation citoyenne des jeunes Nifin'Akanga

Duration: November 2020 – July 2021


  • Diégo-Suarez
  • Majunga
  • Toamasina
  • Antananarivo

Activity :

  • Oral art competition for the decriminalisation of abortion
  • Call for entries
    Production of video clips of the winner

Mobilisation of young people as citizens

  • Youth mobilisation
  • White march 8 March
Mobilisation citoyenne des jeunes

SATURDAY 3 OCTOBER 2020 – Health – World Right to Safe Abortion Day – Alliance française de Tamatave, Nifin’Akanga and YES – Tafita

As part of the World Day for the Right to Safe, Medical and Therapeutic Abortion (28 September), the Alliance française invites you to discuss this theme.

– 2.30-5.30 pm: Thematic exhibition

“Abortions, a universal reality”. This exhibition will present the current state of affairs of the Medical Interruption of Pregnancy (IMG) in Madagascar and in the world. It is illustrated by the cartoonist Dwa.

– 2.30 pm: Conference-debate, led by the YES – Tafita association

Guests from civil society, the judicial and medical sectors will be present to discuss the situation of Medical Interruption of Pregnancy (IMG) in Madagascar, in particular cases such as pregnancies resulting from rape, incest or when the health of the mother and/or child is endangered.


  • Dr Lovatiana ANDRIAMBOAVONJY, Nifin’Akanga
  • Ms Jumel Stéphanie RAJAONARIVONY, President of YES – Tafita, Human Rights activist
  • Mr Roel LELAKA, active member of YES – Tafita, legal consultant and human rights activist
  • Mr Rogand TSIZAZA, Human Rights Club

16:00: Screening of the film “Le Procès de Bobigny

Fiction, based on real facts. In 1972, a young underage girl, Léa, decides to have an abortion with the help of her mother, following a rape. Denounced, they find themselves at the heart of a trial that becomes political, with the status of abortion in France and the injustices of the female condition at stake. To defend them, a lawyer, Gisèle Halimi, recently deceased.

An event organised jointly with :

Alliance Française Antsirabe / Alliance Française Diego Suarez / Alliance Française de Fort-Dauphin – Taolagnaro / AllianceFrançaise Fianarantsoa Madagascar See less

Journée mondiale du droit à l’avortement

World Abortion Rights Day,

“Abortion in the context of covid-19 in Madagascar. Between outdated practices and laws”.

  • 28 September 2020, Online Conference
  • Dr Miel RAFAMATANANTSOA, doctor
  • Olivia RAJERISON, women’s rights activist
  • Dr Franzy MEFIRE, Head of Nifin’Akanga studies

Moderator :

Mbolatiana RAVELOARIMISA, Nifin’Akanga

MONDAY 28 SEPTEMBER 2020 – Conference – Abortion in the context of Covid-19 in Madagascar.

28 September, World Abortion Rights Day. Abortion in the context of Covid-19 in Madagascar. Between practices and obsolete laws. What is it really? We have the honour of listening to three panellists, two of whom are male doctors, Dr Franzy MEFIRE and Dr Miel RAFAMANTANANTSOA. Also, Olivia RAJERISON, an activist well known for her fight for the protection of women’s rights.

An event of the Movement @Nifin’Akanga with the aim of advocating for the urgent relaxation of regulations, especially for cases of unwanted pregnancies following rape, incest and high-risk pregnancies.


Café Philo “Tokatrano fihafiana? Divorce/Separation

Free – Mille Feuilles – Librairie Café

  • Lazaina fa fihafiana ny tokatrano. Hatraiza no tokon’ny ho fetran’izany. Maro ireo olona (na lahy na vavy) mijaly sy ampijaliana ao anatin’izany tokatrano izany nefa tsy sahy miteny, mitraotra, misaraka. Maro ny mety ho anton’izany. Tokatrano fihafiana? Hatraina? Rahoviana no tokony hisintaka, hisaraka? Nahoana no tokony anaovana izany? Ahoana no anaovana izany?
  • Malagasy society imposes that married life/family life is a burden that must be borne. Only, how far should it stop. There are many men and women who suffer, who are made to suffer but who do not dare to speak out, to rebel, to leave. There are many reasons for this. Is life as a couple a burden? To what extent? When to leave? Why leave? How to leave

“FORUM DES FEMMES: Femme et Droit à la vie” ” TAFATAN’NY SAMY VEHIVAVY: Zon’ny vehivavy ny mba ho velona “

  • 7 December 2018

Workshop “National Network for the decriminalisation of abortion in Madagascar

  • 13- 15 March 2019 – Antananarivo

Abortion, for or against decriminalisation?

Saturday, 30 June 2018 , Maison Jean Laborde Andohalo – conference-debate


  • Mireille RABENORO, CNIDH
  • Roger KOLO, Senator, Doctor
  • Eric ANDRIANASOLO, Doctor
  • Father Pascal, Religious



Abortion, let’s talk about it!

Thursday, 15 February 2018, Librairie Mille Feuilles – Behoririka


  • Michael RANDRIAMANIRAKA, Anthropologist
  • Olivia RAJERISON, Lawyer
  • Lovatiana ANDRIAMBOVONJY, medical intern
  • Mbolatiana RAVELOARIMISA, human rights activist

Facilitator :

Kemba RANAVELA, columnist

Abortion, let’s talk about it: abortion is also a human issue